How’s your experience with

Yes, I just wanted to share with you my experience with the site, everything went smoothly. Except that I spent a month researching and asking a lot of questions to the seller. UPS made a big mistake: the package I received was just a header. After I contacted the seller, he quickly fixed the problem …

How would you rate the purchase with

Yes, the whole experience was very good, the seller was great and delivered within the stipulated time. The size is quite petite but true to the description and relatively light. You get what you see. the doll is definitely the right companion for when I don’t want to do complicated cleanup work. This thing feels …

Real Customer Review –

Yes, I was speechless when I opened the box. There was no mistaking it. Her proportions were just right. A perfect adult scale doll. Once I put on the head and wig, I couldn’t describe it. I mean the look and feel of her. When we talked about her Uncanny Valley, I thought she was …

Are sex dolls legal?

[block id=”blogads”] Sort By: Best sex dolls for sale . Level 1. ultragecko22. · 3m. Check out dollforumX for their list of the most reputable suppliers. Yldoll doesn’t seem to be on their list, but that doesn’t mean they’re not legal. As a side note, when you see a full-size doll priced around $500, it’s …